
Douglas Gordon - Rirkrit Tiravanija

Cinema & Bar lounge
06.06.97 - 06.22.97
Group Exhibition — Grenier du Chapitre

Cinéma & Bar lounge, 1996

collection FRAC Languedoc Roussillon, Montpellier

Douglas Gordon 

Born in 1965 in Galsgow, he lives in Galsgow (Scotland).


Rirkit Tiravanija 

Born in 1961 in Buenos Aires (Brazil), he lives and works in Los Angeles (USA).


Douglas Gordon has made a name for himself by presenting fragments of B series or films in slow motion, always broadcast in slow motion, discovering another reality of images, another perception. The work Cinema Liberty & bar Lounge conceived by Douglas Gordon and Rirkrit Tiravanija involves the participation of visitors... Douglas Gordon has proposed to screen dozens of films from the history of cinema that were once censored.



With the participation of Cafés Lebert for the Lounge bar.