
Barbara Kruger

Exhibition — les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse

barbara kruger, sans titre

installation in situ (musée des abattoirs), sol enclapsé et adhévisé repositionnable, 200m²

coproduction musée d'art contemporain des abattoirs, toulouse

Barbara Kurger also exhibits in the museum courtyard and in the public space.

Born in 1945 in Newark (USA), she lives between Los Angeles and New York.


The work of internationally acclaimed artist Barbara Kruger in hall-marked by her use writing and imagery as triggers of the mechanisms in our consciousness which cause us to be both alert and attentive. Her work bursts onto every sphere, from the public to the private, by way of billboards, posters and other "urban decor" devices, summoning viewers to contravene the language of power. The complicity between word and image turns Kruger's work into both an exercise in provocation and an exercise that dismantles prejudicies.


For le Printemps de septembre, the artist has been commissioned to design posters and billboards for the city, in addition to putting on a solo show of her own work in les Abattoirs – Musée Frac Occitanie Toulouse.