

Apéro musical
Les Soirées Nomades de la Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain — isdaT — institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse

Kim © Eglantine Molokostar


Photo credit : Franck Alix, Le Printemps de Septembre



Photo credit : Franck Alix, Le Printemps de Septembre

With no other equivalent in France, Kim has become over the years an important songwriter, author of 18 albums, mixing pop melodies and 80's sounds. A multi-instrumentalist (omnichord, guitar, toy instruments, harmonica or maracas), this lover of unexpected situations generally plays alone and frequently invents specific formats for his live shows. He can offer "concerts with only one instrument", "quiet concerts" or "concerts without electricity". He will therefore design a tailor-made musical aperitif within "La Radio du bout de la nuit".