
Jeanne Moynot

La Jamais contente (The Never Content Woman)
05.31.14 - 8:30PM
Performance — isdaT — institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse

La Jamais contente (The Never Content Woman) (2014) Jeanne Moynot. Performance. Photo: Franck Alix, Toulouse International Art Festival 2014 © Le Printemps de septembre

Born in 1985.


Graduated of the École nationale supérieure d’art at the Villa Arson, the visual artist Jeanne Moynot tacks between performance, installation and writing. She handles forms such as popular songs, film references and heroic figures, seeking to make the commonplace grandiose and the spectacular derisory. Her work has been shown at, among other places, the CENTQUATRE, the Festival Hors-Pistes in 2012, the French Institute in Lisbon, and at the Bâtiment d’Art Contemporain in Geneva…
In La Jamais contente (The Never Content Woman), Jeanne Moynot wittily re-visits the codes and aesthetics of the ‘dirty south’, a rap which reflects the culture of the southern United States, from the dance floors of Atlanta to the blues.

Production le Printemps de septembre.

As part of "L'Eveil du Printemps" curated by Mehdi Brit et Blanche de Lestrange