
Javier Téllez

Letter on the Blind for the Use of Those Who See
09.29.18 - 9PM-12AM
Screening — Cour de l'Hôtel d'Assézat

© Javier Tellez, Letter on the Blind, For the Use of Those Who See, 2007, Super 16mm, film transféré en vidéo haute-définition, noir et blanc, 5.1 digital dolby surround, durée 27min 36 secondes, Ed. of 5 + 2 AP, commande de Creative time dans le cadre de Six Actions for New York City, coproduit par la Galerie Peter Kilchmann. Courtoisie de l'artiste et de la Galerie Peter Kilchmann, Zurich.

Letter on the Blind, For the Use of Those Who See is a film in black and white in which the viewer witnesses an encounter between six blind protagonists and an elephant. The film focuses on the sensorial perceptions of the characters as the elephant is perceived as an odour, a texture or a sound. Inspired by the Indian parable of the blind men and the elephant and named after Denis Diderot's essay written in 1749, Lettre sur les aveugles à l'usage de ceux qui voient is a poetic and sensorial film, at the frontier of documentary and cinema.

Acknowledgments: the gallery Peter Kilchmann.