
Markus Schinwald

09.22.06 - 10.15.06
Video installation — les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse

Markus Schinwald, exhibition view, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, 2006

© Printemps de septembre, photo André Morin

Markus Schinwald, exhibition view, Les Abattoirs, Toulouse, 2006

© Printemps de septembre, photo André Morin

Born in 1973 in Salzburg (Austria), he lives in Vienna.

Getting his inspiration from mythology, psychoanalytical theories and the history of civilizations, Markus Schinwald repositions the metamorphoses lying at the heart of artistic creation. From his experience in the world of fashion, the artist has in particular retained a concern for the way in which the body is shaped by the mind, as well as by impulses and imagination. His rejection of naturalism is thus expressed in the conception of prostheses and items of clothing which restrict movement. These objects, which are worn by the performers of his videos and his dances, are also exhibited in installations and presented as fetishes. Schinwald's subversive work is all the more disturbing because the "uncanniness" in it blends with normality, as is demonstrated by his photographs of contortionists presented in very ordinary situations.


For le Printemps de septembre, the artist will be showing a video in les Abattoirs – Musée Frac Occitanie Toulouse, as well as an unpublished serie of photographs, produced as a commission from the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, in Paris. 

Commissioned by Maison européenne de la photographie, Paris.