
Patricia Ferrara

Demain peut-être
09.28.06 - 09.30.06
Performance — Studio du CDC

Patricia Ferrara, Demain peut-être, CDC 2006

Coréalisation Centre de développement chorégraphique Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées

© Printemps de septembre, photo David Brunner

Patricia Ferrara, Demain peut-être, CDC 2006

Coréalisation Centre de développement chorégraphique Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées

© Printemps de septembre, photo David Brunner

A grey felt box stands in the shadow. We gradually realise that a form is emerging from the background. Demain peut-être plunges spectators into a murky universe and probes the notion of limits. The light and the density of the material generate a variety of reliefs, edges and contours, going from the hazy to the visible. Tricks of perspective and inversion make us lose our spatial and temporal bearings. This closed, intimate set-up, made of “grey matter” – and the image can be interpreted figuratively, too – is the materialisation of a mental space that envelops both spectator and performer. Gradually, the body works free and sketches out the gestural, visual lines of its autonomy. Patricia Ferrara has worked as a choreographer since 1985. Based in the Midi-Pyrénées region, she is the founder of the group Unber Humber. Originally selftaught, she has developed her experience with Elsa Wolliaston, Patricia Kuypers, Lisa Nelson and Min Tanka. Under the generic title Mouvement, regard and paysage, Patricia Ferrara has developed a series of propositions around the idea of site-specific choreography, developing ways of putting her work to the public that overturn the usual codes of representation.