
Sylvie Auvray - Cathryn Boch - Béatrice Cussol - Fleur Noguera

Aux Petites filles modèles
09.25.09 - 10.18.09
Exhibition — Centre d'art le LAIT

"Aux Petites filles modèles", Béatrice Cussol, Cathryn Boch, Fleur Noguera , Sylvie Auvray, exhibition view, Centre d'art le LAIT 2009 ©DR, Le Printemps de septembre

Sylvie Auvray

White Rabbit

Oil on wood 180x120cm

© Sylvie Auvray

The Printemps de Septembre continues the echo of the Hôtel des spectres familiers exhibition it presented in 2008. Drawing will once again be the exclusive medium of this exhibition, which brings together four young artists who will work on site, often on the walls, under the unexpected aegis of the famous "little model girls" immortalized by the Comtesse de Ségur and who rest in a country cemetery near Castres.


Heroines and granddaughters of the Comtesse de Ségur, Camille and Madeleine de Mallaret lived, played and grew up in the small village of Verfeil, near Castres, in the "Pays de Cocagne", where they are buried today. Hence the idea, in the form of a tribute to these little literary pests, to invite four artists, four intrepid fairies to the art centre Le LAIT in Castres, who will tell a new, necessarily cruel tale with their varied works, their direct interventions on the walls, with their good and bad manners. In an exhibition with eight hands, in the form of an exquisite corpse.