
The Cabaret - night 4
10.06.12 - 9PM
Les Soirées Nomades de la Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain — isdaT — institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse

LE CABARET, soir 4 ©Franck Alix, Le Printemps de Septembre 2012

LE CABARET, soir 4 ©Franck Alix, Le Printemps de Septembre 2012

The Cabaret


In 2012, Les Soirées Nomades shook up the formula and inaugurated the CABARET. According to the Larousse: "Cabaret: an entertainment establishment whose programmes include singing tricks, acts and reviews". It also says: "Cabaret: establishment where customers can drink and eat while watching a show". Or again: "assommoir, music-hall, dancing, estaminet, popine". Here we are!


Master of Ceremonies: Kim


With: Donald Abad, Gaël Etienne, Rémi Foucard, Sophie Marie Larrouy, Perrine en morceaux, Victorine, Aurélien Hamm, Olivier Mouchard, Guillemette Foucard
Music videos: Kevin Blechdom
Live Skype: Bettina Atala


An ephemeral cabaret. Staged live by visual artist Donald Abad, as soon as it is set up, as soon as it is taken down, before your eyes and ears. Once the stage is set, Kim guides us with a bang from one number to another, flanked by Perrine en Morceaux, Bettina Atala, Sophie Marie Larrouy, Victorine, Kevin Blechdom, sometimes on stage, sometimes on remote transmission, sometimes live, sometimes recorded, sometimes singing, sometimes sketching, sometimes solo, sometimes accompanied, and all of this set to the rhythm of thrilling commas made up of a variety of games designed to develop your knowledge. A show from which you leave with a terrible sorrow and a desire to return.